What information can I get from a license plate?

There are situations that often lead you to wonder if it is possible to obtain certain information from a license plate. This is the case when you want to know the identity of the owner of a vehicle that hit and run after hitting you from behind. A driver has left a parking lot and forgotten something valuable, how can you tell him that his property is in good hands? Or you simply want to know the identity of a pretty young woman in the car next to you. Rumors are currently circulating about the possibility of obtaining a good amount ofinformation through one’s license plate. Is this possible? What type of information can be collected?

Know the identity of the motorist through his license plate

In principle, access to the vehicle registration system (SIV) is reserved only for a restricted category of people. Indeed, only the gendarmerie, the police, the prefectures, the administrations and the government can access the SIV file. These documents and information are useful to them in the performance of their work. Of course, individuals are not allowed to consult them in order to avoid abuse.

In case of a hit and run or bad behavior on the road, what you can do is to file a complaint. This way, you can easily identify the owner of the vehicle after the investigation by the officials. Unfortunately, the way seems complex, even impossible for a private individual who wants to know the identity of a motorist who forgot his backpack in the parking lot or the beautiful young woman in the car next door. It should also be noted that it is not possible to obtain a motorist’s telephone number from his or her license plate, in order to protect individual privacy.

Does the registration identify the model of a vehicle?

Currently, several online sales sites for spare parts or for the coast of the car can clearly identify the model of the vehicle from its registration. All the user has to do is type in the series of letters and numbers, and it’s done. However, the use of such information requires prior authorization from the prefecture.

Get the car’s serial number

The sequence of letters and numbers on the license plate cannot be used to determine the vehicle’s serial number. To acquire it, you need to see the car in question. Rest assured, the vehicle identification number (or VIN) is prominently displayed in several places, such as on the lower part of the windshield.

Is the department identifiable?

Determining the department or region of origin of the car is possible. This is done through the last two or three characters on the license plate. But for some time now, motorists have tended to put the department of their choice on their car. This does not make certain the veracity of the information provided by the license plate.

In conclusion, the registration may contain some confidential information, which does not allow everyone to have access to it. However, there are a few exceptions.

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