How to pass your driving test?

The driving test is a step that we often dread. To help you revise and pass this stage with peace of mind, we have provided some practical advice.

Review the Highway Code before the driving test

Indeed, it is certain that before your exam, you are more or less sure to master the Highway Code. However, we recommend that you review your notes one last time. To avoid unpacking multiple index cards, it’s best to opt for a simpler, lighter method like using digital files on your smartphone.

In general, it’s better to consolidate what you already know than to make a mistake once you’re on the road. If you don’t want to study before the big day, consider practicing with your friends with questions and answers.

Stay calm before and during the exam

Above all, you must not forget that your life does not depend on this exam. It is therefore important to play it down, in the worst case you can always retake the exam after a few weeks. In case you feel that you are very anxious, take a deep breath and try to calm down. You can also use homeopathy or magnesium a few days before your exam. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor beforehand if you want to opt for these options.

Meditation or yoga are better alternatives to stress than medication. Playing sports or listening to music can also help you release your anxieties and relax. And above all, remember that painkillers should be avoided at all costs. It is even forbidden to consume it while driving.

Take driving hours in addition to classes

Before your exam, ask your instructor to give you a few extra hours of driving time. In this way, he or she can give you some practical advice about what to do during the exam. This is also a good time to ask any questions you may still have. And don’t forget to ask him/her how the exam is going.

However, there is also no need to strain yourself by taking several hours of classes before the exam. This will only add to your stress and know that you won’t make much progress by pushing yourself.

Spot the pitfalls on the exam circuit

It is certain that your driving test will begin as you leave the test center. It is therefore advisable to look out for all the traps and signs along the way. Preferably, if you can get a friend or family member to drive you around the track, you will be able to visualize perfectly all the elements that you may overlook due to stress.

Of course, your instructor may also have you drive around this area during driving hours, as he or she is already familiar with the routes that are often used. However, if you know the test area by heart, be careful not to dive into an automatic drive, as the examiner could change paths at any time.

Do a lot of practice

When you are going to take an exam, there is nothing like practicing as much as possible. In this way, you will be able to acquire good reflexes and be comfortable while driving. It is best to give your maximum two weeks before your exam. Indeed, going to class once a week will not help you master driving.

Don’t panic in the waiting room

Indeed, it can happen that you are made to wait several minutes before your turn. In the meantime, expel all negative vibes and de-stress yourself as much as possible. You don’t want your legs to give out on you when you get in the car. While you are waiting for your turn, avoid scanning all the faces that will be disappointed. Forget about them and avoid telling yourself that you won’t be able to get through this stage.

Do not ignore the examiner’s instructions

Get used to the idea that this stranger will have to issue your permit. Don’t ignore the instructions they give you and avoid contradicting them. If you make a mistake, don’t protest. Indeed, it may happen that you do not have the same vision of things as him. In this case, tell yourself that he is still right and that this bad moment is just passing.

Don’t be afraid of your examiner, he is not a two-headed monster. Like all examiners, he was once an instructor. Its purpose is not to make you fail your exam. It is only there to see and examine your driving abilities. And if you meet him somewhere, don’t be unsympathetic, give him a “hello”. You can even try to sympathize a little, but not too much, because he is not your friend either.

Get your bearings in the car

It is the D-day, you settle quietly in the car. Don’t forget the reflexes you have acquired during the courses. Make sure you do all the safety checks. Avoid starting straight away. As in lessons, make sure you adjust your seat and check that you are at the right height for the pedals.

Look carefully to see if your view is clear. Don’t forget to adjust your mirrors. Finally, before you drive off, make sure all seat belts are fastened for the safety of you and your passengers.

Pay attention when you drive

When you drive, tell yourself that you are a smart driver. Any danger can occur at any time. To keep your skills sharp during the exam, get plenty of rest the night before. It is even better to try to sleep a little earlier than usual.

During the exam, listen carefully to the inspector’s instructions. Preferably, slow down a little before each turn. And on the way home, always stay alert. Don’t tell yourself it’s over, because it’s not. The examination is only completed when the car comes to a complete stop.


Watch your speed

Driving too carefully and slowly is never recommended. The same is true if you drive too fast. Know that your safety and the safety of other drivers is at stake.

Remember to drive as usual

Once you’ve taken the test, don’t change the way you drive. If you have learned new maneuvers before your exam, avoid doing them during the exam. This is not a good time to test new techniques. And know that there is always a reason if you didn’t learn them in driver’s ed.

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